Sunday, November 6, 2011

4 months old!

My little peanut is already 4 months old. She is such a joy, full of smiles and giggles, and constantly talking to us through different sounds and noises. Lately she's taken to making a low growling sound which cracks me up. I'll be driving the kids some where and she'll be sitting in her car seat growling away while Jacob just sits and stares at her. It's already obvious who's the talkative one in the family. She's also holding her head up really well when on her tummy and beginning to reach for things in front of her. Her hands are extremely fascinating to her, she will just stare at them as well as continuously put them in her mouth until she gags herself. She loves her hands by her face and mommy can never keep her nails short enough so she has little scratches and marks on her face routinely. Isabelle loves watching her big brother play and laughs at anything and everything he does. I can tell Jacob's going to have a little shadow as soon as she's able to get around by herself. One of my favorite things that she does is in the middle of nursing she'll pull off and look at me with a huge smile letting me know just how much she adores her mommy, it melts my heart every time.

My sweet little girl is getting big fast but to mommy's pleasure has stayed a lot smaller than her brother was at this age. At 4 months she weighs 12lbs 10oz (25-50%) and is 25in long (75%). She's my tall, skinny little thing. Isabelle is a perfect little baby sleeping through the night and nursing so well. However, she has decided that no one will do for her except mommy so anytime anyone else holds her she screams until mommy takes her back. While I enjoy being the love of her life, I also don't get much alone time. However, I will cherish this time when I am her world while I can.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Dressing up is serious business

Nana with her two little granddaughters

The trauma of getting his picture taken was too much for him

The kids and I with Nana and auntie Jo-jo

My little ladybug

We had a pretty quiet Halloween this year, spending it with a few family members and sticking close to home. Halloween weekend was full of harvest fests, pumpkin carving, and EATING!!! The Friday before the kids and I headed over to Miracle Ranch for a short time for their Harvest fest. They had lots of activities including a hay maze which Jacob absolutely adored. I dressed my little fireman and lady bug up and headed out to get some pics of my munchkins. Unfortunately, my fireman felt that taking pictures was torture. So...instead I got some great shots of my ladybug who was more than willing to pose, as well as, my adorable niece Jadyn. (I was able to get Jacob when he wasn't expecting it.) Afterwards, we headed over to Nana's house to relax and play. We ended up all trekking out in the rain to pick up some pumpkins, and heading back to let our creativity soar through pumpkin carving. Jacob really got into pumpkin carving and even begged us to carve a third one that Auntie Julianne had picked out for him. Nana made a fantastic meal of chili, corn bread, and apple pie for dessert (Mmmmmm) and we spent the rest of the evening just enjoying each others company and eating WAY to much candy! I sure love the time with family that this time of the year encourages. While I'm sad about the warm weather being gone at least the cold brings us inside to enjoy and love on one another. I thank God for my big, beautiful family!!!

For Halloween we dressed the kids up again and took them downtown Gig Harbor to participate in trick-or-treating among the shops that pass out candy. Jacob was uber shy and we practically had to drag him into stores in order for him to get the candy. He wouldn't even lift his arm in order for people to put the candy in his bucket. I gave up on trying to get him to say, "trick-or-treat" and just pushed him to at least say, "thank you". (That didn't really work either). *Sigh* Maybe next year. :) We hooked up with the rest of the family for a short while and then headed home to spend the night with Nana, Uncle Cliff, and Auntie Dana. Mike, Cliff and Nana took Jacob around the neighborhood to trick-or-treat while I and Dana stayed home to answer the door. We had a yummy meal and enjoyed watching little Isabelle (ladybug) and Lincoln (caterpillar) play together on the floor. It's going to be so much fun to see them grown and learn together. God has truly blessed me and my family! Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

3 months old!

Well my sweet baby is growing up quick. She's such a doll and never hesitates to give smiles and giggles away. She's begun to smile and giggle anytime anyone talks to her and her little face always melts my heart. Anytime anybody sings to her she lights up and she especially loves the song "That's Amore". Her big brother continues to shower her with love and affection and always wants to give her kisses, even when mommy would rather he not because it means having to climb up on top of her while "Issam" is nursing. It's hard to tell him though that he can't kiss his sister. Isabelle is holding her head up better and is now willing to remain on her tummy a few minutes longer before screaming at mommy. She just started grabbing for things that are in front of her and I often find her just staring at her hand as if wondering where that came from. The play mat that we have cracks her up whenever we turn on a star that lights up and changes colors. We'll find her talking and laughing as if she's having a great conversation with the smiling star that we just can't understand. I love her so much and am so blessed with my two beautiful children.

Wish they would stop growing up so fast!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

2 months old

Time sure if flying by and summer is almost over. It's so hard to believe that my little baby girl is already 2 months old. I've been trying to mentally slow time down but hard as I try it still gets away from me ;). As she is growing like crazy she is also getting more and more interactive. It's so much fun to lay her down on the floor and just listen to her coo and giggle. Her little smile melts my heart and fills me with so much joy. I can't get enough of watching her grow and seeing the relationship between her and Jacob blossom. Whenever she is upset or crying and I can't get to her, Jacob comes up to her and in a gentle sing-song voice lets her know it's okay...makes me want to cry just thinking about it. Thank you dear Jesus for my two beautiful children.

  • you are gradually getting more head control and now don't bobble as much when we sit you up.

  • you continue to spit-up EVERYWHERE!!

  • you are talking and laughing a lot and everytime mommy asks for a smile you give her one.

  • you don't really like being on your tummy but you tolerate it for a little while.

  • you are the most quiet baby and everywhere we go people comment on how good you are.

Sweet feet

My little munchkins

Such a happy girl

Monday, September 5, 2011

A visit to Lodi, CA

We had the privilege of getting to travel down to sunny California over Labor Day weekend and visit with Mike's family. Jacob and Isabelle got to hang out with their Grandma & Grandpa Hanks, Aunt Julie, Aunt Mari, Aunt Lori, & cousins Alexa, Ryder, Conner & Jude. Aunt Dana and Uncle Cliff, along with little Lincoln, got to spend time down there with us as well. It was such a fun trip spending time with each of them. It makes me sad that we aren't able to see everyone more frequently, so when we get to go down, we treasure every moment. Jacob had a blast playing with Alexa and Ryder in a little kiddie pool that Grandma bought for them. Isabelle (as well as the rest of us) got to meet babies Conner and Jude for the first time. Lori, Dana, and I all had our littles within a week of each other so that makes for 4 babies all born at the same time since Lori had twin boys. It was so much fun lining up the 4 of them and taking pictures. Grandma went from having 6 grand kids to 10. Quite the adjustment!!! We loved every minute of our time down there and hope that we can get to see everyone again soon. Thank you Pat for your wonderful hospitality. You are the best!!!

Grandma getting some cuddle time with Jacob

Mommy what's the deal with all these boys!

Alexa, Ryder, & Jacob

Conner, Lincoln, Isabelle, & Jude

Isabelle & Conner

Aunt Julie & Lincoln

Aunt Mari & Isabelle

Jacob chillaxin'

Saturday, August 13, 2011

3 years old!!!

I can't believe it but my little baby boy turned 3 years old! We had a blast of a party at my parents house in their gorgeous backyard. Nana and Pop-pop even bought Jacob a huge water-slide bounce-house for the occasion. Lots of kids came to play and Jacob was truly spoiled with tons of presents. He is getting to be such a big boy wanting to do everything by himself. There is absolutely no more time for cuddles and kisses anymore as he always has a plan whether it's playing with trains, cars, or play-doh. Life is busy! He absolutely loves his Daddy, wrestling on the floor and following him everywhere. "Why" is his favorite word which was cute at first but now is driving mommy INSANE!!! I think I need to just stop answering (I've begun to resort to "because I said so"...NOOOO!) He fills my heart with unending joy however because he constantly has something funny to say. His smile lights up the entire room and he is the most adorable little boy on the whole planet. I love you Jacob Michael and am so proud of the little boy that you are becoming...even though I miss you being a baby! Don't grow too fast!
Jacob & Cameron have similiar taste in clothing


Opening presents with Aunt Julianne

Antie's Julianne & Joanna

The Bounce House

Cousin Jadyn & Uncle Johnny

Uncle Jordan & Aunt Jackie

Little Natatlie cuddling on Daddy's shoulder.