Saturday, August 30, 2008

2 Weeks Old

It's been a little over 2 weeks now that Jacob has been here and we're amazed at how fast his little personality is coming out each day. We are also amazed at just how big he is getting so fast. There must be some kind of steroid additive in my milk because he has already well exceeded his birth weight in the first two weeks. Our last Dr.'s appt he was 9lbs 15oz. Wow!!! Almost 10 lbs. already. He's already growing out of the newborn clothes that we have :). These first weeks have been amazing and scary all at the same time. I don't think we have ever worried so much. You find out that stress isn't really real until you have responsibility for a little tiny life and there are so many things that can go wrong. First we stressed about his blood sugar level at the hospital (that turned out fine), then we started worrying about his jaundice so we spent a few afternoons sun bathing upstairs in our bonus room (while we were worried it was a great photo op). Now we worry about his hearing and his little clogs tear duct in his eye. I definitely have been needing to rely more on God to take care of everything so that I don't worry myself in sane :) Despite everything though I could not ask for a more wonderful son. He is such a perfect baby eating without any difficulty and letting mommy and daddy sleep at night. Already at 2 weeks old he is sleeping at night 6 hours. He is so great!!!!!! Plus he is absolutely adorable and will spend his awake time perfectly content and just staring at everything around him. Nana and Grandad, along with all his aunt's and uncle's are loving every minute with him at there is much dissension about who gets to hold him when we visit. Jacob is well loved. Praise God for such a blessed little miracle. Thanks again for all your prayer and support and please continue to pray for Jacob's health, my healing (I still have some numbness and weakness in my right leg), and Mike's job situation in making the right decision of where God wants him.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Jacob is finally here!!!!

Well the day has arrived. Our little bundle of joy arrived after a very long day on August 13th 2008 at 12:08 AM. The doctor broke Janelle's water at 9 AM the day before and started her on Pitocin. After an entire day of labor and pushing for 2 and a half hours Jacob decided he finally would grace us with his presence. He is a big boy weighing in at 9 pounds 6 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. Wow!!! Now looking at him I still don't know how it's possible. God sure works amazing miracles. We ended up staying a little over 24 hours at the hospital and were able to come home on the 14th with our little guy. He is perfect in every way. Cute as a button and eats like a champ. We are so excited to share him with everyone. Please continue to pray for healing for Janelle and health for our little man since he is a little jaundice. Something that we and the doctors are watching. Thank you for all your prayers during my pregnancy and labor. To God be the Glory!!!!!