Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Last few weeks of my pregnancy

Wow! June just flew by and now we're already half-way into July and our lives have, yet again, changed dramatically. I'm so struck by how blessed Mike and I are and once again God has blessed us tremendously. Since it's been a few weeks since I've blogged I'm going to do a little catch up. Mid-June found me at 38 weeks pregnant and attending one of my very best friends wedding up at the Semiamoo resort. Her wedding was absolutely gorgeous and it was such a joy to see her and her whole family celebrate the big day.

A tribute to Leah's mom...Sandy

The gorgeous bride and her father!

Justin, Leah and many amazing and wonderful memories with these two!

The very next weekend my family and I got to enjoy a night out at the ball game watching the Mariners win against...oh who am I kidding, I have no idea! However we had a great time and Jacob and Daddy wore their matching jerseys that we were gifted for being the first 25,000 fans to enter Safeco Field.

Next we got to attend another friends wedding who both Mike and I have known for some time, Candy, and celebrated her marriage at the space needle. What a fun and beautiful night!

Finally to end the month of June we had the wonderful privledge of meeting our sweet little nephew Lincoln Robert Hanks born to my brother and sister-in-law, Cliff and Dana. He was born 6/30 at 9lbs 7oz and almost 23 inches long. Such a sweetie and we are so excited for Cliff and Dana as they get to experience parenthood for the very first time! I feel so blessed with a little boy who loves life and constantly gives me smiles, hugs and kisses, a husband who is so supportive and loving, and a healthy pregnancy with my little girl kicking and squirming almost ready to come. Thank you heavenly Father for all this and much more!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Spring at the Hanks house

We've been busy around our house. Our tasks have included preparing for the arrival of little girl by decorating her room and turning Jacob's room into a new big boy room with his own big boy bed including slide. I've had fun dreaming up designs and decorations for both their rooms and now we are finally almost done. Isabelle's clothes have all been washed and put away and Jacob now has a new closet organizer allowing for maximum play space. Mike has also been busy and ended up installing chair rail in Isabelle's room and painting the entire thing. He and my father also ended up moving a side of our fence so that our backyard is bigger and gives us more time to lounge in the sun. I love the spring and summer and I can't wait to be outside playing with my little man and watching my sweet girl grow.
My silly boy in his room
Isabelle's room

Spring around our house

The freshly moved fence! So much more room.

It's been some time!

Isabelle at 21 weeks

It's amazing how time gets away from you! I can't believe summer is here and I'm only 1 month from meeting my baby girl. Every moment I have has been poured into either preparing for her, cherishing the moments with Jacob, and spending time with my family. These past few months have been packed full but I am determined to keep up this blog if only to be able to look back on it and remember. I so appreciate being able to look back on the beginning of Jacob's little life and read about all his milestones and I want to be able to do that for Isabelle as well. Here are a few belly shots as sweet baby girl has been growing steadily until the big day arrives in July.

My sister-in-law Dana and I. 2 weeks apart.