Wednesday, April 15, 2009

8 months old!

This past Monday was Jacob's 8 month birthday anniversary! It's been a little while since I've updated the blog and since then our little man has definitely changed. I am finding it harder and harder to be disciplined about taking pictures and regularly updating everyone since having started nannying and working at the hospital when I can. Life sure gets busy! Despite how crazy things have been though it has been such a blast the few times Mike and I get to get down on the floor and experience playing with our sweet little boy. My favorite time is just after Mike gets home from work when all three of us are laying on the family room carpet and enjoying each others company. We adore watching Jacob laugh, learn and play as he rolls around from toy to toy. In the past couple months he has started rolling all over the place. It is fun to place a toy just out of reach and watch him figure out that by rolling he can get his toy without any problem. We have discovered, though, that he really is only good at rolling in one direction, so, once he hits a piece of furniture or wall after rolling that direction, he eventually gets frustrated and Mommy or Daddy has to pick him up and put him back in the middle of the room. Pretty soon I'm sure he will be able to get around without any help at all. He also started sitting up at about 7 months. His balance still needs a little work but he does great with the support of a few pillows behind him to prevent any head banging on the floor ;).
Jacob's facial expressions are also multiplying. He has just started giving us this huge squinty eyed smile every time one of us says "hello" or "I love you". Plus we have found that he is ticklish which makes me incredibly I'm not the only one who can be tickle tortured in our family! We continue to adore Jacob and look forward to the next new thing that he will start doing.

Mike and I are also doing well. I have been busy working with Sophie and Emma, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. They are very sweet little girls and are great with Jacob, making him laugh incessantly. I also have been picking up about 8 hours of work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit every week. It has been great being able to pick and choose when I work in order to coordinate times that my Mom can watch Jacob. Our family had been such a blessing to us and we love having them close by. Mike has also been busy working at Continuant and has made a few great sales in the last month. We thank God for His provision and that He has blessed us both with great jobs. As well as working, Mike continues to attend classes with the University of Phoenix, and will be finishing up his degree requirements this coming December. After that, he will just need to finish a few general education classes and it'll be "pomp and circumstance" for him. He's hoping to complete everything a year from this June.

We also had a wonderful Easter, sharing it with my family here in Gig Harbor. Reflecting on our Saviour's death and resurrection fills us with such joy because of His great love for us and our freedom from fear and death. Thank you Lord for your great sacrifice and victory over death!
Sitting up like a big boy
Two of Jacob's many looks
The park across the street

Playing in the playpen outside
Bath time mohawk attempt...not quite enough hair yet.