Friday, July 22, 2011


All About Isabelle

  • You love to be cuddled and held. Which mommy and daddy are learning is the only way you seem to want to fall asleep.

  • Recently you have been waking up at 4:30am to eat rather than sleeping till 6am which mommy is a little sad about but she still loves cuddling with you no matter the time.

  • Daddy calls you his little pre-alarm clock since his actual clock isn't set to go off until 5am.

  • You routinely fight sleep and have started to get really upset when we lay you down.

  • You are such a good little subject for all of mommy's pictures and don't even complain when she changes your outfit numerous times!

  • Your brother loves you so much and excitedly runs to you to give you sweet kisses on your head.

  • He also loves calling you by name, "Eeesom" is how it sounds.

These first 3 weeks have been such a blessing and my two sweet little munchkins fill my heart to over-flowing!

Monday, July 18, 2011



  • you are already back up at birth weight and weigh exactly 8 lbs but now are 21 inches long!

  • you love to tuck your little feet up underneath your bottom

  • you continue to be such a great little eater and sleep for long stretches at night which mommy and daddy appreciate greatly!

  • gradually you are becoming more alert and have longer periods where you like to look all around.

  • mommy and daddy put you to sleep in your buggy each night in the family room all swaddled up tight

  • all your aunties and uncles love to hold you as well as Nana and Pop-pop, and you LOVE to be held

  • whenever mommy and daddy kiss your cheeks you turn your head with your mouth open wide and try to eat us

  • Both you and Jacob fill your mommy's heart up so full! My cup runneth over!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Isabelle 1 week old!

It's amazing how a week goes by so quickly! I can just imagine how this next year is going to fly by. I keep trying to remind myself that I need to slow down occasionally and just treasure the moments of her being little despite all the things that I know I should get done. Before I know it she won't be willing to cuddle with me like she does now! So in an effort to remember all the little details of who she is at this stage in her life here is a little list.


-at 1 week you weigh only 7lbs 8 oz but grew to be 20 inches long

-we had to get your little heal poked because we were worried about you being jaundiced but because you are such a good eater there was no reason to be worried at all

-you have long little nails and mommy is constantly having to file them down because you like to scratch your face.

-you like to suck on your little fists and when we give you the pacifier you make a face like we're torturing you.

-big brother Jacob loves to give you kisses on the forehead

-you seem to only like to burp for daddy

-you are such a good baby and let mommy sleep for 5-6 hours at night right off the bat


Such a proud big brother

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

What a wonderful 4th! Mike and I were discharged from the hospital on Sunday with little Isabelle and rather than hang out all day at home on the 4th we decided we would make the trek back up to Lake Sawyer (this time without being in labor) and spend the day with my family. While I was really sore and tired the next day it was absolutely the right decision!!! Not only did we get to enjoy the company of my family but we also got to hang out with my brother and sister-in-law Cliff and Dana and their little bundle of joy, Lincoln. We got both him and Isabelle together for some pictures and marveled at how just one week before we were getting belly shots together. It was a fabulously sunny day and it was filled with throwing rocks in the lake, a patriotic ride in the boat all decked out, a yummy flank steak dinner, and bundling up around a campfire to watch a great fireworks display. It was so wonderful watching Jacob's amazement at the fireworks and getting to cuddle with my sweet girl around the fire. God has truly blessed me!

Sparklers are so much fun!

Isabelle with her auntie Julianne

Nana and Isabelle

My sister Jackie with her husband Jordan and sweetie pie Jadyn

Cliff and Dana Hanks with little Lincoln

My two boys!

The Olsson/Hanks/Moore clan

Jacob loves his Nana and Pop-pop

Yummy flank steak dinner

Little shooter

Isabelle and Lincoln... only one day apart

Nana and Pop-pop with their grand-daughters

Friday, July 1, 2011

Isabelle Marie is here!!!!!

The day has finally arrived. Our sweet little girl decided to come a whole week early...and on her own. Which mommy is tremendously happy about! She couldn't of timed it better in that I went into labor on a Friday before a holiday weekend and allowing for Daddy to have the maximum amount of time off to enjoy her and spend time with Jacob. I ended up having a fabulous nights sleep and then waking up in the morning to mild contractions that were coming every 3 minutes apart for about an hour. So as they were getting worse I called Mike home from work (even though I kept doubting that I was truly going into labor) and made sure all our bags were packed and that Jacob was ready to spend some time with his Nana and Pop-pop. However, when Mike got home the contractions all but stopped. So thinking that it was a false alarm and having had plans to drive up to black diamond that weekend to spend it with my parents out on Lake Sawyer. We packed the car and headed north around 12:30pm only to find that 20 minutes into the car ride I started having contractions again every 5 minutes. We got to the house and I sat outside around the lake, enjoying the sunshine and every 5 minutes or so having to breath and groan a little bit for the next 4 hours until they got so bad both Mike and my Dad were insisting we get in the car and head to the hospital. We made it to the hospital around 6 despite the holiday traffic and found out that I was already at 8 cm. Four hours later, one epidural that didn't do much in taking away the pain, and 10 minutes of pushing she came and was placed on my chest at 8lbs and 19 inches long. She's completely beautiful in every way and healthy. We are so happy and even big brother Jacob showers her with love by giving her kisses and hugs whenever he sees her. What an amazing miracle the birth of children are. I will never get over how awesome it is to go through pregnancy and delivery and end up with a perfect little baby on your chest who will grow and learn, laugh and play, and fill our hearts with so much joy! Thank you Lord for Isabelle Marie!
Jacob meeting his little sister for the first time.

He wasn't sure about her at first but he warmed up after awhile.

Our growing family

She weighed 8 lbs exactly

Seeing her sweet little face for the first time.