Saturday, August 28, 2010

First Hair Cut

Well it finally happened! I looked at my little man and decided it was time to cut off those baby locks. Jacob did so good sitting on the counter while Daddy cut off the last remnants of his baby-ness. It's a good thing he has those adorable chubby cheeks though otherwise I don't think I could have handled the hair cut. Despite my struggle I must admit that he looks better without the hair poofing out over his ears and sticking straight up all the time. Plus we were able to save a little curl in the back. Here he is before and after. He's turning more and more into the little boy and less the baby.



A special visit!

What fun we had! Aunt Julie and Grandma Hanks both came up from Lodi, California for 2 weeks to visit the family up here. They spent the first week staying with Mike's sister and her three adorable munchkins and the second week they stayed with us. Jacob got attention 24/7 from his adoring grandma and aunt and loved every minute of it. It was fun hanging around the house, walking to the park, going to the zoo, celebrating Jacob birthday and taking a hike down to the water at Kopachuck state park. We also had the priviledge of having Grandpa Hanks up as well, who flew all the way up just for Jacob's party. What a special treat! We had fun and were sad to see them go. We love you Grandpa, Grandma and Juju!

Dana, Me, Pat (Grandma), and Julie (Aunt Juju)

Mike, Jacob, Cliff Sr. (Grandpa), and Cliff

Playing at the park for about 15 minutes on one of the hottest days of the year. We quickly decided there was just way to much concrete and not enough trees.

Looking at the puffins (I think) at the zoo with Grandma and Juju

Checking out the seals

At Kopachuck state park

Pretty Aunt Juju

Best buds


Julie and I

Friday, August 13, 2010

2 years old!

Well he has hit the two's and so far it hasn't been terrible. In fact it has been quite the opposite. There have been a few tantrums here and there but over-all we have a pretty perfect little boy. Yes I said it, he's now a little boy but luckily the chubby cheeks have remained for mommy to kiss like crazy. We had a great time with our family and friends for a fun backyard BBQ for his second birthday. The kiddos played in the sandbox and pools while the adults lounged around the patio enjoying each others company. Jacob was spoiled like crazy with so many fun toys (lots of Thomas the train regalia) and loved eating every bit of his cake and ice cream. Even Grandma and Grandpa Hanks, and Aunt Julie from california made the trip up to celebrate with us. Aunt Jackie made an amazing Thomas the train themed birthday cake which was perfect for our little train fan. Mommy and Daddy gave the birthday boy his very own train table and set that we set up in the living room for now. However, I have a feeling it might take up residence in there for quite some time. Jacob will run in there saying, "CHOO CHOO" while raising his arm up like he's pulling the whistle himself. SO CUTE! We love you buddy and to mommy you will always be our sweet little baby.

The awsome birthday cake made by my beautiful sister Jackie

Our friends Andrea and Riley Kilcup

Jacob and cousin Angelique

Opening presents

Jacob's first trcycle from Nana and Granddad

Jacob's new back-hoe from Grandma Hanks

Kisses for Grandma Hanks

Aunt Julianne shares her card with Jacob

Gotta love that cake!

Mmmm ice cream

Jacob and Riley enjoying a ride in the wagon from Uncle Johnny

Mommy's little engineer

Jacob and his trains

P.S. Most of the pictures were taken by my awesome sister-in-law Dana Hanks. Thanks so much Dana!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


This past weekend we spent a grand 5 days on the Oregon coast with the whole family. We stayed in a big house where we headed down to the beach everyday to jump in the waves, build castles, fly kites, and completely cover ourselves in sand. This is the first beach trip that Jacob enjoyed himself. By the end of every day he was completely covered in sand and needing a hose down. Luckily, we never had to actually hose him down completely and usually a good brushing off, removal of pants, and spraying of legs and feet did the job. We found out that he now likes (not loves) the sand and loves running in and out of the waves. He would run towards the ocean (a little farther than I was comfortable with) and then turn on his heals run as fast as he could away from the encroaching waves giggling and laughing the whole way. It was so much fun to watch. We had a great time and I love that my family has built a tradition of spending time on the beautiful Oregon coast every year since I was little. We are greatly blessed by such an amazing family. Thank you so much Mom and Dad for hosting us. We love you!


Our trilby kite. It's so much fun to fly.

Jacob loved every minute of playing on the beach with his uncle Johnny

He is every bit of what his shirt says

Our gracious hosts...we love you mom and dad!

Julianne, Jackie (w/ baby J) and Jordan

I don't know why I even bother rolling them up...he gets wet anyway

Oh how I love my little beach bum

Jacob getting some love from Aunties Joanna and Julianne