Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Mike!

My sweet husband's birthday was just this last week and we had a nice little family party for him over at our house. I love you so much sweetie and I'm so glad that you are mine! Happy Birthday!

This was Mike's birthday present. A garage organization system...doesn't look like much but it's such a blessing!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Just so you aren't under the impression that he's always a stinker...

Playing in his new sand box. Still not sure about that sand though.

Playing with playdoh.

Oh how I love him! Tantrums and all.


Yep, you heard right, we have a major tantrum thrower whenever it comes to his stomach. Whenever mommy is doing anything in the kitchen, from washing dishes to making dinner, my continuously hungry munchkin comes in, stands by the pantry door, and lets me have it something fierce. I've been slowly trying to teach him that screaming at me is not the right way to ask for anything but it's a slow process. Don't get me wrong Jacob is a doll in every way, but I fear for the terrible two's being that this is happening and he's only 20 months. :-O

Standing at the door demanding a cracker. *sigh*

What am I going to do with that boy?

This is the little stinker after he's finally gotten what he wanted.