Tuesday, July 14, 2009

11 months

I can't believe in just one more month my baby is going to turn 1 year. This past year seems like it has flown by. Jacob is such a blessing to our family and we couldn't have been gifted with a better baby. He is as happy as can be and is constantly giving his mommy and daddy big smiles and giggles which melt our hearts. Our house is slowly becoming more and more baby proof each time he finds something new to explore. Army crawling is his preferred method of transportation only second to mommy and daddy helping him walk around the house, however, there is only so much a back can take as your bent over a baby. This past week he's discovered pulling himself up in his crib (when he's suppose to be napping) and pushing himself up to a sitting position. He's a big boy with tons of cute rolls everywhere. His 9 month appointment he weighed close to 23 pounds so I'm sure he's closer to 25 by now. We love him so much and are trying to hang on to every moment while we can and still enjoying him learn and grow at the same time. Here's a few portraits I got of him and us this past month through a local photographer. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Jacob's first time eating Spaghetti. He LOVED it!

4th of July

We had a wonderful 4th this year. We kicked off the day by making a little road trip up to Bainbridge Island for their street fair and parade to get us in the Spirit. Jacob seemed to really like watching all the different colors and noises the entire day. He especially liked the fire engines and police cars when they flashed their lights and blew their sirens. The parade was cute and consisted of everything from the silver medalist on the American swim team to a pack of basset hounds. We then headed home for a fun BBQ with some family and went to watch the fireworks nearby at Henderson Bay. Jacob did so well and even smiled during the chaos that is the 4th of July. Such a brave boy!
Aunt Jackie and Uncle Jordan with Jacob

They even decorated their dump trucks

Aunt Jackie entertaining Jacob with bubbles