Saturday, August 13, 2011

3 years old!!!

I can't believe it but my little baby boy turned 3 years old! We had a blast of a party at my parents house in their gorgeous backyard. Nana and Pop-pop even bought Jacob a huge water-slide bounce-house for the occasion. Lots of kids came to play and Jacob was truly spoiled with tons of presents. He is getting to be such a big boy wanting to do everything by himself. There is absolutely no more time for cuddles and kisses anymore as he always has a plan whether it's playing with trains, cars, or play-doh. Life is busy! He absolutely loves his Daddy, wrestling on the floor and following him everywhere. "Why" is his favorite word which was cute at first but now is driving mommy INSANE!!! I think I need to just stop answering (I've begun to resort to "because I said so"...NOOOO!) He fills my heart with unending joy however because he constantly has something funny to say. His smile lights up the entire room and he is the most adorable little boy on the whole planet. I love you Jacob Michael and am so proud of the little boy that you are becoming...even though I miss you being a baby! Don't grow too fast!
Jacob & Cameron have similiar taste in clothing


Opening presents with Aunt Julianne

Antie's Julianne & Joanna

The Bounce House

Cousin Jadyn & Uncle Johnny

Uncle Jordan & Aunt Jackie

Little Natatlie cuddling on Daddy's shoulder.

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