Sunday, September 11, 2011

2 months old

Time sure if flying by and summer is almost over. It's so hard to believe that my little baby girl is already 2 months old. I've been trying to mentally slow time down but hard as I try it still gets away from me ;). As she is growing like crazy she is also getting more and more interactive. It's so much fun to lay her down on the floor and just listen to her coo and giggle. Her little smile melts my heart and fills me with so much joy. I can't get enough of watching her grow and seeing the relationship between her and Jacob blossom. Whenever she is upset or crying and I can't get to her, Jacob comes up to her and in a gentle sing-song voice lets her know it's okay...makes me want to cry just thinking about it. Thank you dear Jesus for my two beautiful children.

  • you are gradually getting more head control and now don't bobble as much when we sit you up.

  • you continue to spit-up EVERYWHERE!!

  • you are talking and laughing a lot and everytime mommy asks for a smile you give her one.

  • you don't really like being on your tummy but you tolerate it for a little while.

  • you are the most quiet baby and everywhere we go people comment on how good you are.

Sweet feet

My little munchkins

Such a happy girl

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