Tuesday, October 4, 2011

3 months old!

Well my sweet baby is growing up quick. She's such a doll and never hesitates to give smiles and giggles away. She's begun to smile and giggle anytime anyone talks to her and her little face always melts my heart. Anytime anybody sings to her she lights up and she especially loves the song "That's Amore". Her big brother continues to shower her with love and affection and always wants to give her kisses, even when mommy would rather he not because it means having to climb up on top of her while "Issam" is nursing. It's hard to tell him though that he can't kiss his sister. Isabelle is holding her head up better and is now willing to remain on her tummy a few minutes longer before screaming at mommy. She just started grabbing for things that are in front of her and I often find her just staring at her hand as if wondering where that came from. The play mat that we have cracks her up whenever we turn on a star that lights up and changes colors. We'll find her talking and laughing as if she's having a great conversation with the smiling star that we just can't understand. I love her so much and am so blessed with my two beautiful children.

Wish they would stop growing up so fast!

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