Saturday, November 5, 2011


Dressing up is serious business

Nana with her two little granddaughters

The trauma of getting his picture taken was too much for him

The kids and I with Nana and auntie Jo-jo

My little ladybug

We had a pretty quiet Halloween this year, spending it with a few family members and sticking close to home. Halloween weekend was full of harvest fests, pumpkin carving, and EATING!!! The Friday before the kids and I headed over to Miracle Ranch for a short time for their Harvest fest. They had lots of activities including a hay maze which Jacob absolutely adored. I dressed my little fireman and lady bug up and headed out to get some pics of my munchkins. Unfortunately, my fireman felt that taking pictures was torture. So...instead I got some great shots of my ladybug who was more than willing to pose, as well as, my adorable niece Jadyn. (I was able to get Jacob when he wasn't expecting it.) Afterwards, we headed over to Nana's house to relax and play. We ended up all trekking out in the rain to pick up some pumpkins, and heading back to let our creativity soar through pumpkin carving. Jacob really got into pumpkin carving and even begged us to carve a third one that Auntie Julianne had picked out for him. Nana made a fantastic meal of chili, corn bread, and apple pie for dessert (Mmmmmm) and we spent the rest of the evening just enjoying each others company and eating WAY to much candy! I sure love the time with family that this time of the year encourages. While I'm sad about the warm weather being gone at least the cold brings us inside to enjoy and love on one another. I thank God for my big, beautiful family!!!

For Halloween we dressed the kids up again and took them downtown Gig Harbor to participate in trick-or-treating among the shops that pass out candy. Jacob was uber shy and we practically had to drag him into stores in order for him to get the candy. He wouldn't even lift his arm in order for people to put the candy in his bucket. I gave up on trying to get him to say, "trick-or-treat" and just pushed him to at least say, "thank you". (That didn't really work either). *Sigh* Maybe next year. :) We hooked up with the rest of the family for a short while and then headed home to spend the night with Nana, Uncle Cliff, and Auntie Dana. Mike, Cliff and Nana took Jacob around the neighborhood to trick-or-treat while I and Dana stayed home to answer the door. We had a yummy meal and enjoyed watching little Isabelle (ladybug) and Lincoln (caterpillar) play together on the floor. It's going to be so much fun to see them grown and learn together. God has truly blessed me and my family! Praise the Lord!

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